Our Services

Kāpiti Women’s Health clinic offers a comprehensive range of services to support female health and wellbeing. Led by specialist GP Dr Alice Zwart, the clinic provides personalised consultations covering:

  • Education about the hormonal changes during this time, treatment options including lifestyle, non-hormonal medications and menopause hormone therapy. A review of other key health issues in mid-life such as heart, bone and brain health. Mirena insertions are offered as part of Menopause Hormone therapy.

  • Advice around the range of short- and long-acting contraception options including oral contraception prescriptions, administration of Depo Provera, and insertion and removal of Jadelle implants. Dr Zwart offers insertion and removals of Mirena, Jaydess and Copper IUDs. These can be done using a local anaesthetic (cervical block) for additional pain relief. She is also trained to remove threadless IUDs.

  • Investigation of pelvic pain and bleeding problems such as heavy or irregular periods and post menopausal bleeding.

    Dr Zwart is trained to take endometrial biopsies (pipelles) as part of the investigation. A range of treatment options are available including insertion of a Mirena or if appropriate, referral onwards to a gynaecologist.

  • Education on management and treatment options, including fitting of ring and incontinence pessaries, referrals to pelvic physio/continence nurse specialists and urogynaecologists. Where appropriate, ACC claims for Pelvic Mesh Treatment Injury can be initiated.

  • Assessment and advice concerning pelvic floor and perineal issues following childbirth, including initiation of ACC claims for Maternal Birth Injury if applicable

  • Investigation and treatment of vulval skin conditions such as dermatitis, lichen sclerosis, and post-menopausal vaginal dryness. Dr Zwart is trained in vulval skin punch biopsies to aid in diagnosis.

  • Advice around conceiving and boosting fertility. Initial investigations for those having trouble conceiving and referral, if appropriate to fertility services.

  • Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and management of female sexual health issues such as painful sex and low libido.